Our Message To You - Covid 19

Puratap are currently continuing servicing of water purifiers including sanitising your unit.

Service & Installations

You can be assured that we are taking extra precautions in this current climate with every effort made to look after our customers.

We continue to monitor the progress of COVID19, and are following advice from the Federal and State Governments, along with the relevant health authorities.

We are following strict hygiene protocols and remain committed to the health and safety of our customers.

Answering Your Calls & Enquiries

Due to our staff not being allowed to come to work with any cold or flu symptoms we apologise if any small delays on responding to your call or attending your booking. Our Covid 19 safety measures could cause small delays.

If you have been quarantined, tested positive for Covid-19, been overseas, interstate or have cold or flu like symptoms in the last 14 days please advise us on 133 502 and we can book your filter change on a later date.

For more information regarding COVID19, you can contact the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080, or visit: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert.

Once again, Thank you for choosing Puratap,
The Puratap Team

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